The Illawarra’s most fun pre-schooler dance classes
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Fun for the kids (but totally stress-free for you!)
Work, home, kids, family…the struggle is real!
We get that and that’s why we work hard to make sure that your pre-schooler dance class experience with My Tiny Dancer is a beautiful one for you AND your child.
From easy online booking, pro-rata fees and family-friendly venues, we’re all about making this part of your week totally stress-free.
Keeping the Magic alive
As a dancer, teacher and mum, I’ve always been captivated watching young children wiggle, jiggle, jive, dream and play – usually all at the same time.
I love the ‘magic’ that pre-schoolers seem to find in their everyday lives. Pool noodles become swords, blankets and sheets become forts and castles, mum’s high heels become princess slippers!
That magical period in our children’s lives is so genuine and yet, over so very quickly. At My Tiny Dancer, we want to keep that magic alive by encouraging that creativity and helping them explore their imagination through movement. Add to that a dash of developmentally appropriate class structure and top it off a whole lot of fun. This is the age where fantasy should be encouraged.
After all, as Albert Einstein said, “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”
What your child will learn at a pre-schooler dance class
Dance classes are a great alternative to team sports, and can help children improve their social and communication skills, learn how to work as part of a team, develop a greater sense of trust and cooperation and make new friends.
Our pre-schooler dance classes cater solely to children aged 1 years to 7 years, introducing them to the basic elements of classical ballet and jazz technique, delivered in a fun, non-pressurised environment. Children will receive individual attention and participate in group work, building their self-esteem and self-confidence.
Parents and carers are not only welcome but encouraged to stay and watch their princesses and pirates float, twirl, jump and jive their way around the classroom.
All our dance teachers are ‘Working With Children’ approved and share the My Tiny Dancer philosophy.
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