Getting out of the house with children can be a challenge at the best of times therefore every single one of our dance class venues in the Illawarra has been sourced with your ease and comfort in mind.
There is plenty of parking available at each location. There are bathrooms and each venue also has a kitchen available for those requiring heat for bottles, and we warmly welcome breastfeeding mothers.
We pride ourselves on being ‘family friendly’, therefore there is no need to find a babysitter for any siblings as they are most welcome to sit with their accompanying adult during class and many venues have playgrounds and breakout areas.
Stanwell Park Surf Club
My Tiny Dancer is located in the Main Hall of the Stanwell Park Surf Club, the space has a beautiful view of the ocean and is very spacious, providing great ventilation.
Corrimal District Library
Located diagonally opposite Stockland Corrimal Shopping Centre and right next door to the Corrimal Memorial Swimming Pool, My Tiny Dancer is located in the Grevillea room of the Corrimal District Library and Community Centre.
Corrimal Region Uniting Church
My Tiny Dancer is located in the Main Hall of the Corrimal Region Uniting Church on the corner of Russell and Underwood Street. It also has a small gated area with play equipment available for use.